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3rd/4th Grades 3/2/14

Dear Wonderful PASJE Families,

Today we:

  1. Learned about Henrietta Szold, who founded Hadassah, America's largest women's Zionist organization. The Hadassah organization was founded around Purim time and was named after Esther, born Hadassah. Continuing our discussion of Tzedek, or Justice, we learned that Szold's family taught her not to stand by when she saw injustice, but to do something about it. Szold founded night schools to help immigrants learn English and through Hadassah built the premier hospital in the Middle East that treats Jews and Arabs alike. During WWII, when she was in her eighties, she helped Jewish children escape Nazi Europe through the Youth Aliyah to Israel.

  2. Enjoyed Music with Michael.

  3. Acted out the first part of a Purim play that spoofs the Muppet Show. Instead of "C is for Cookie" we have "Hay is for Hamantaschen" and instead of "Ma-Nah-Ma-Nah" we have "Haman, Haman." I attach the script.:-)

  4. Finished our Hebrew Calendars.

Shavua Tov,


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