7th/8th Grades 12-7-14
Dear PASJE Parents, Our history lesson today looked at Jewish life under the Ottoman Empire from the 13th that Jews generally fared...
7th/8th Grade 11/16/14
Dear PASJE Parents, We began class today with a written and oral review of the history we have learned so far this year. Our history...
7th/8th Grades 11/9/14
Dear PASJE Parents, Our history lesson today concerned the expulsion of Jews in Western Europe between the 12th centuries. We touched...
7th/8th Grade 11/2/14
Dear PASJE Parents, Our history lesson today was titled Persecution and Expulsion, 1000 to 1450. The lesson focused on European Jewish...
7th/8th Grade 10/26/14
Dear PASJE Parents, Our history lesson today was titled After the Fall of Masada-73CE to 1000CE. We discussed how Judaism developed...

7th/8th Grade 10/19/14
Dear PASJE Parents, Our history lesson this week covered 165 BCE to 73 CE. We looked at the building of the second temple under...
7th/8th grade 9/28/14
Dear PASJE Parents, We began school today listening to the blowing of the shofar. Essential Judaism in a Nutshell. We looked at...
7th/8th grade 9/21/14
Dear PASJE Parents, I look forward to teaching the 7th and 8th grade class. My two year course includes Jewish history, holidays, ethics...
7th/8th Grade 3-23-14
Dear PASJE Parents, Our class began by defining the terms maternal and paternal. Each student then wrote on their maternal and/or...
7th/8th Grade 3-9-14
Dear PASJE Parents, Our class began today with a discussion of Purim. I read the beautifully written and illustrated book titled Esther’s...